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2023 유학박람회 (2023 Fair)

2023 유학박람회 디테일
홍익대학교 Hongik University
작성자 : 관리자 등록일 : 2023-07-24 조회 : 115,011

Philosophy of Education

Educational Goals and Objectives

The educational goal of Hongik University is to forge the strongest possible link between academia and industry to provide service for the benefit of all humankind. The name "Hongik", translated into English, literally means "service to mankind."

In pursuing this goal, we prepare our students for varied careers, and they are first encouraged to foster independent thinking, free from the influence of others. Intellectual independence is thus our first educational objective. Our second objective is the development of students cooperative spirit.

Cooperation is vital for individual betterment during ones lifetime, and it is this cooperative ability that we strive to cultivate in our students. While each individual may live independently, society also requires that individuals live in harmony with fellow human beings.

People always learn from the knowledge and experience of others. Hongik University strives to guide students to live in a community where human interaction is essential. This spirit of cooperation, our second objective, will lead our students to work together for the betterment of humankind.

Our third academic objective is the development of students creativity. Creativity is vital in seeking individual happiness during ones lifetime, and it is this creative ability that we want our students to have. In short, Hongik University inculcates students with values necessary to serve society as independent, cooperative, and creative professionals.