아름다운 한글, 정겨운 한국어 호치민시한국교육원이 함께합니다.

대학(원)소개 (Korean University)

유학자료 디테일
수원여자대학교 Suwon Women’s University
작성자 : 관리자 등록일 : 2023-11-24 조회 : 71,271


수원여자대학교를 찾아주신 여러분을 진심으로 환영합니다.

수원여자대학교는 1969 성실박애봉사의 교육이념아래 설립되어 국가산업발전에 기여하면서 지속적인 발전과 성장을 거듭해왔습니다. 21세기를 선도할창의적이고 능동적인 전문 여성 인재를 육성하고 특성화된 전공교육과 봉사정신의 결합으로 지역사회와의 긴밀한 연계를 지속해왔습니다.

대학은 급변하는 교육환경과 사회적 변화 속에서 글로벌 전문인력 양성기관으로서의 도약을 위해 새로운 로드맵을 세워야합니다.이를 위해서 대학 구성원 모두가 함께 노력하여야 한다고 믿습니다. 함께 가야 놓치는 것이 없으며, 함께 가야 멀리 갈 수 있습니다.글로벌 경쟁 사회 속에서 주도적인 위치를 선점하기 위해 교수와 직원은 물론, 지역사회와 동문회를 아울러 서로에 대한 배려속에서 함께 격려하면서 가야 합니다.

따라서 우리 대학은 구성원들의 하나된 노력을 통해 글로벌 전문인력 양성기관으로서의 도약을 이루어 갈 것입니다. 졸업생이 자부심을 가지는 대학,명함이 아닌 능력으로 보여주는 대학, 남들이 칭찬하고 부러워하는 대학으로 우리 수원여자대학교를 계속 발전시키겠습니다.지금까지 보여주셨던 수원여자대학교에 대한 지지와 성원을 앞으로도 부탁드립니다.


We welcome all of you to Suwon Women’s University. Created in 1969, our university, with three pillarsintegrity, philanthropy, and servinghas experienced continual development and growth, contributing to the transformation of industrial development across the country through promotion of innovative, active, and professional women who will be leaders of the 21st century and the integration of specialized education and spirit of serving.

To grow into an outstanding educational institution in this ever-competitive global environment, we focus on implementing systemic, long-term development master strategies centered on seven core tasks and projects related to them. These core tasks include: improvement of the brand as a university contributing to the community; improvement of growth potential through innovate business administration system; securement of high quality individuals for enrollment and improvement of the university’s image; establishment of the human resource development system adapting actively to changes of career world; establishment of the career development system tailored to nurturing professional careerists; establishment of the university as a collaborative institution with the private sector; and operation of international exchange programs to improve the quality of career education. Our efforts, so far, have produced positive results in many performance measures.  

Especially, to produce professional women urgently needed by our current and future community, we divided our academics into four faculties and 26 departments, offering customized courses to our students.

We pride ourselves on playing a major role in the development of our community through diverse collaborations with the government and the private sector in fields as wide as nursing and public health, food processing, information technology, children’s education, media design, social welfare, and culture and art.

In addition, Suwon Women’s University focuses on establishing a students-oriented educational environment and promoting field-oriented female experts. To do so, Suwon Women’s University has established the multi-class system, hired outstanding faculty members, installed advanced equipment for experiments and practices, developed educational programs based on the NCS standards, and built infrastructures to improve the educational environment. Over 5,000 students and staff, along with 30,000 alumni, have been working together to make us one of the best women’s universities in the world.

Our entire staff and faculty members will do everything to ensure that our students will enjoy fun campus life, appreciate exciting learning, and relish the bright job opportunities. We will also make every effort to serve and contribute to our community.

We ask for the continual interests of our prospective students, current students, alumni, parents, and members of local community in Suwon Women’s University and hope your journey will always be with us.

Thank you very much.